The planning for Camp Crop has gone on for weeks. Yesterday was the day. We got in the building a 7am and turned a beautiful banquet hall into Camp Crop for Lupus. We put up a tent , build a campfire (yes, I know it really was not real). hung butterflies from chandeliers, put out centerpiece, personalized candy bars and a box of candy for everyonw. We had so much great food. The food table was decorated with a birdbath and butterflies and nets. We set up the table and put out all of our auction items. Then Rebecca Peck, lead Fiskateer, arrived.
Other fiskateers started arriving and it was so much fun to make new friends and see old friends. Before the day was over we were 100% fiskateer.
Everyone was given a sash and there were a number of badges you earn for various things throughout the day.
The food was wonderful. Robin made madanrin orange cupcakes with handmade butterflies. She is my daughter, but I am so proud of how she helps and it really is Fiskateers that has made her the cupckae queen. When we went to Greenville they gave out books on how to make cupcakes and she has put hers to good work.
As much as I love the fun and the prizes, the auction has to be the highlight for me. All of the funds go to the Lupus Foundation of American and we made 50% more than we made last year.I have to thank everyone who donated items for the auction. We raised over $3,400.00 this year.
I want to thank all of my friends, Fiskars and anyone who helped make this a FISKA-FABULOUS day.